




(Christina)欢迎来到每周教学技巧系列。我的名字叫克里斯蒂娜·摩尔从奥克兰大学教学卓越中心。万博ManBetX登录每周一,我们发布一个新的教学技巧在我们的博客上,这是在奥克兰点edu削减教学技巧。这是一个非常特殊的视频系列。今天我和安妮Hegedus说话,他是一个艺术与科学学院的学术顾问。这了,因为安妮和我邮件的时候。有一次我注意到在她的电子邮件,说她有一个超链接短语表示虚拟办公室和点击的邀请去探索她的虚拟办公室。所以我做了。我有很多乐趣,我看到一个伟大的应用程序的任何人。但是具体我思考为我们的教师和教师一个虚拟办公室。 So I asked Annie to stop by and share some of the ins and outs of this idea, show us around her virtual office and anything else surrounding the creation and how, and then we'll have a conversation about how this can apply from the professor and students' side of things. I'll let you take us for a tour, Annie.

(安妮)谢谢克里斯蒂娜。这一切开始的初期阶段大流行期间。我在我们国家的一个顾问小组组织,协会的学术建议,NACADA。我们有一些不同的Facebook群组或事物,我们分享我们的想法真的怀念面对面与我们的学生与他们交互。很多东西来自一个学生看到一个奇迹图在我的办公室和我聊天奇迹电影五分钟之前我们跳进他们的类。我们只是错过了。所以有人提出这个想法建造自己的虚拟办公室或虚拟教室。所以我将分享一个教程,我们已经开始。这是一个很好的教程,有人从那群共享。斯蒂芬妮·哈里斯是一位英语教师。 Believe she's done both K12 and higher education, but she created this really great tutorial that I won't run all the way through, but I'll make sure Christina gets the link too. So it talks about setting up your background and adding a bitmoji to it, your little person.

它真的很有趣。所以我决定它。说这好像是周五晚上在大流行期间,不能去任何地方。刚刚开始玩和我不是一个技术的人,但这是超级有趣。这是我目前虚拟办公室的样子。我以为是漂亮,很兴奋有点像挑选家具,我会在我的梦想办公室或小事情谈论我以外的人只是我们建议交互。嗯,这个,你可以,当你这样做时,你可以让学生来这里,只是你访问并将其归纳为一个幻灯片,这是我通常做什么。或者你可以发布到网上。所以你甚至可以把这个链接在其他地方如果你有空间,你希望学生能够访问它。我试图把它混合。 Like on our welcome sign here, I've got our advising information, just in general info about our office. Some of the different campus services, like the Recreation, Career Services, some of those kinds of things going through and linking to those so students can him and maybe a fun way, which is, I just think it's a little more interesting for them to explore this space than me just sending them. Here's how you find Career Services website. So that's been really fun. And then I think that the resources are really helpful. But I also like the ability to be able to say, Oh, here's some more stuff about me outside of work. Like you can see my two dogs just sharing my office with me because that's what it looked like when I was working from home most of the time, they were just hanging out in the office with me. Some of the books that I've read recently, I just started linking to those on here. So if a student can see what I've been reading lately and a website that I really liked, the story graph app. I think that's a really cool thing that students might not know about. So they can kind of even explore that indirectly. Some of them are just kinda silly, like I like Spiderman a lot. So I've got like going to go to a commercial, but it's the Spider-Man theme, it links to that. So it's just kind of stuff to let students know that we're humans as advisors or even as faculty, like letting them see you outside of the classroom. One other one that I really liked was this compliment generator from Leslie Knope. So if you throw your name in here, you can get a compliment. And it'll give you a compliment from Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. And Parks and Rec is one of my favorite shows. So I think that's another thing that students and I liked in the past to bond about. But when they're not coming into my office, they don't necessarily see that. So this was just one more avenue for them to kind of see what that looks like. The other thing I really love about it is that I can change it up as much as I want. So if I just added my bookshelf yesterday, so I can change this and put more resources there or I can change it if we have an event going on, I can throw that poster up right here or something like that. But it is just kind of a nice way for students to get the information in a little bit different way and show them that we are not like really young and hip necessarily like it kind of has a little bit more speaking that Gen Z language. Yeah.



(Christina)有几件事我现在想到你说话的时候。当我第一次做探索自己和线程的我们现在谈论到我们工作的地方和他们如何成为自己的表情。我的意思是,首先,在某些情况下,我们的工作场所增多了,因为我们可能有一个校园我们在家和办公室工作的地方。现在学生都看到那些超过他们可能在过去所做的那样。但我也觉得有些兼职教员的情况,他们没有一个办公室或共享办公空间,所以它们有限的一点他们可以定制它。所以很高兴这个虚拟的存在,就像你说的,就像我们的幻想如何清洁和许多不同的东西,所有的家具,我们买不起。就这很有趣和令人兴奋的地方仍然是所有这些信息在一个有趣的方式进行沟通。我也想,我的意思是,真的,你这里介绍我想清楚显示,有同样的机会和连接教师和学生。我的意思是,我想到的第一件事是教学大纲。我们往往会有很多政策和我们的教学大纲,是好的,因为我们不知道学生需要什么信息,我们想要对我们提供的一致。 But obviously it starts to read like a contract when it gets to be very long. So I see this as another way to emphasize and communicate in a different way. Some of those things like you have the calendar folks could link to. I think it does. Yours links to the academic calendar link.





(安妮)我开始真正从一个完全空白的幻灯片和本教程中,我将进入它一点点,因为我认为它很有帮助。这就像从这个空白幻灯片。然后你可以选择一个背景颜色为你的墙壁。然后他们有点展示如何寻找地板等等。我认为当我第一次看到这个想法,我觉得有点不知所措,因为我不是一个特别精通的人。所以我想,哦,这是,这是很酷的,他们这样做,但我不知道我能做这件事。一旦我开始通过本教程分解像选择背景颜色,选择我的地板,然后保存背景。的经历,我的小的人,决定我想让她做什么,然后找家具。很快我被卷入这一切的乐趣,有点像幻想哦,这个神奇的桌子上。我可以有这个很酷的桌子和我有这个神奇的书架,是的,没有杂乱的办公室。 It's all organized. So I think my biggest piece of advice would be whether you feel like you're particularly skilled in this area or not, once you get started with it, it's actually really fun and pretty easy. So just, I would say try not to be intimidated by it. And if you can, just think about what your ideal office would look like, whether that matches reality or not, I think, but it's this guide and there's lots of other video guides and things out there too online if you search for Google Slides Classroom, Google Slides Office. But there's so much help out there available. But it really is a fun creative process more than anything else.





