


你好,我是布瑞特Rio-Ellis和我很荣幸地作为学术事务的执行副总裁和教务长在OU。我无法表达我是多么的兴奋,你看着学生成功和股本仪表板。我很自豪地说,我们是第一个15密西根州公立大学中采用这种创新的工具,目前可用的所有教职员工。这个指示板是故意关注股票。我们希望仪表板将提高对所面临的挑战的认识我们的许多学生和生成丰富的谈话我们每个人如何和我们的集体单位可以调整我们的实践来更好的支持我们的学生。这个工具的目的是给你数据访问你需要开始这些对话和采取行动,以确保所有背景的学生在你实现自己真正的潜力。我们认识到我们的学生人数继续迅速分散在许多方面。是否我们的学生是他们家族里第一个读大学或大学不是常态在各自的社区,我们要确保每一天他们参加奥克兰,他们知道,他们是看到自己反映在我们的教学方法和我们的故事。奥克兰到所有教职员工更多地了解我们的学生梦寐以求的,导航、语境和文化资本和帮助他们点燃他们的潜能通过你的经历。很重要的是,我们理解学术策略产生最大的影响在确保我们的学生是成功的,我们一起寻找方法克服所有障碍学生成功。 The ways in which we use the data garnered through the dashboard, create opportunities for intentional collaboration, and this will facilitate the mitigation of existing equity gaps, therefore, enhancing students success for everyone. Student data can provide a critical lens for faculty, staff and administrators to identify and dismantle systemic barriers that prevent students from crossing the commencement stage and achieving the dream of their degrees. I want to show you just a small amount of what you can learn on the Students Success and Equity dashboard. Please sign up for CETL training or requests to training from the Office of Institutional Research Assessment and Data Analytics for your department or program to further explore your area's specific data. I really look forward to hearing about all the great things that folks will do with these data. I want to take this opportunity to once again, thank you for all you do for OU.
