





我是第四代警官。我真的觉得我爸爸第一次带着他的警车回家是让我真正想要的是一个警察,跟随他的脚步。我来自警察的,我一直都知道这就是我想做的事情。我们一直在这里。我们总是有至少两个巡逻警车在路上和一个调度员回答电话。如果你打电话9-1-1它会来找我们。总是开车只是看看发生了什么。在这里工作,每一天,在这样的一个小社区,你得到的是什么,没有的感觉。OUPD不在这里就抓人,写票。我们来确保学生、老师和行政人员访问奥克兰大学的时候都是安全的。万博ManBetX登录 So that's our job, to provide a safe environment. Provide the feeling. Even if it is safe and if they don't feel safe we're not successful. There's a lot of things that we do for the campus community for the students that a lot of people don't know about. We have the RAD program, which is our rape aggression defense class. It's our self-defense class for women. We do visual escorts where we can watch you walk from point A to point B if you're a little nervous walking after hours when it's dark out. We also have our bike patrol, which are our officers that aren't necessarily in a patrol car, they're out on a bike. We like that bike patrol unit because they do a lot of the community policing stuff. We are teaching kids to be afraid of police officers when we want them to trust us in situations where they need help. So it's important for them to come through and see the police department, see there were normal people just wearing the uniform. We try to get down to their level. You kneel down so that you're not towering over them. You let them wear the hat you're wearing, you let them wear the badge you're wearing. We are real police officers and we can be approachable. People can just come up and ask us questions, ask us for directions. We're here to help.
