
dc.contributor.advisor 里克斯Doneen,朱莉
dc.contributor.author 舒尔特,珍妮玛丽
dc.contributor.other 阿方索,Nelia
dc.contributor.other 奥登,雪莉
dc.contributor.other 是若林史江、Tomoko
dc.date.accessioned 2022 - 11 - 15 - t17:55:14z
dc.date.available 2022 - 11 - 15 - t17:55:14z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-16
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10323/12014
dc.description.abstract 发育筛查的过程使用验证工具识别儿童延迟的风险。研究了儿童的发育筛查实践初级保健提供者。然而,到目前为止,没有研究探讨了儿科护士(PNP)的观点。本研究的具体目的是获得信息的发育筛查实践pnp型。此外,研究探讨如何感知他们的知识、技能和态度对发育筛查可能导致他们的行为。定性扎根理论研究是使用进行立意抽样的初级保健儿科护士照顾年幼的孩子。6个深度访谈完成后使用虚拟平台。施特劳斯和卡宾(1990、2008)归纳数据分析方法用于代码和解释数据。一个实质性的推进理论筛选能力对于年轻孩子的最优发展出现了从数据支持的六个主题相关的程序和实践知识,技能和态度。主题包括(1)发展意识,(2)集成连接,(3)积极作用,(4)创造机会,(5)平衡学习期望,vi和(6)理解角色和责任。 The PNPs in this study perceived that as they gain developmental screening experience, they continuously develop interrelated knowledge, skills, and attitude attributes, which contribute to advancing competencies and ultimately lead to more effective screening behaviors that support young children's optimal development. The PNPs in this study followed the American Academy of Pediatrics' developmental screening and surveillance guidelines for general and autism screening using standardized screening tools. They identified areas of program improvement related to developmental screening as additional preparation to work with diverse populations and increased opportunities to utilize the entire screening process. The study's PNPs identified current developmental screening facilitators as physicians, parents, and self-directed. They identified screening challenges as time, practice processes, and parents. The nurse practitioner workforce who care for young children is underrepresented in the literature. Additional research is needed to compare screening practices between pediatricians, family medicine physicians, and family and pediatric nurse practitioners to understand their screening practices and continue to improve developmental screening rates for young children.
dc.subject 儿童早期教育
dc.subject 护理
dc.subject 医学
dc.subject 儿童发展
dc.subject 发育迟缓
dc.subject 发育筛查
dc.subject 早期干预
dc.subject 里程碑
dc.subject 护士
dc.title 儿科护士的出生到三岁儿童发育筛查实践
dc.type 论文
dc.relation.department 人类发展和儿童的研究


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